Feb 21, 2024, 4:00 AM
Jan 17, 2024, 12:42 PM

Johnson will prioritize border crisis in meeting with President Biden

Fox News
Pressure grows on Johnson to make move on Ukraine aid as Russian invasion nears 2-year mark

Republicans and Democrats are pushing House Speaker Mike Johnson to deliver a plan for Ukraine. Pressure grows on Johnson to make move on Ukraine aid as Russian invasion nears 2-year mark. Johnson: Ukraine has been a source of instability in the past two years, but it's a priority for the U.S.

Fox News
Republicans push to resuscitate Ukraine and border talks as Dems urge GOP to sidestep Johnson

GOP defense hawks fretting over a way forward on foreign aid after Senate's two attempts at it appear dead on arrival in their chamber. Defense hawks in the House of Representatives are worried about how to proceed in the coming weeks. Republicans push to resuscitate Ukraine and border talks as Dems urge GOP to sidestep Johnson.

Fox News
Johnson will prioritize border crisis in meeting with President Biden on national security package

Johnson will meet with President Biden on national security supplemental package. Johnson emphasizes need for transformative policy changes on border before discussing other issues. Johnson will also meet with Biden to discuss national security package on border crisis. Johnson: "It's a crisis that needs to be addressed before other issues"

Fox News
Johnson digs heels in on border security after meeting with Zelenskyy about Ukraine aid

Speaker Johnson meets with Zelenskyy to discuss Ukraine aid. Johnson says he will continue to work on border security measures. Johnson wants to keep his position on Kyiv aid from Johnson. Johnson: Ukraine's border security needs to be strengthened to ensure it doesn't fall victim to border problems.


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