Dec 26, 2023, 4:59 PM
Jul 7, 2023, 8:24 PM

"He should be disbarred": Rudy Giuliani faces the ultimate punishment

Fox News
Best of the 'Media Buzz Meter': Giuliani Balks at Testifying, His Lawyer Says He Defamed Two GA Election Workers

Howie Kurtz on Rudy Giuliani backing down from testifying in defamation trial. Meghan McCain threatening to sue members of 'The View' and D.C. pro-teams making deal to leave the city. Giuliani Balks at Testifying, His Lawyer Says He Defamed Two GA Election Workers.

Rudy Giuliani declares bankruptcy

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani files for bankruptcy in New York. Giuliani lists debts of up to $500 million. Giuliani filed for bankruptcy on Thursday. Giuliani: "I'm not going to get out of this business" Giuliani declared bankruptcy in a bankruptcy filing on Thursday night.

Opinion: A well-deserved verdict against Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani may not give a damn, but his actions are shameful in the court of public opinion. His actions are now also legally accountable in the courtroom, writes Sophia A. Nelson. Nelson: Giuliani's actions are not only shameful in public opinion, but they are now legally accountable.

"He should be disbarred": Rudy Giuliani faces the ultimate punishment

Rudy Giuliani should be disbarred for 2020 election work, attorney disciplinary committee says


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