Jan 2, 2020, 8:47 PM
Jan 2, 2020, 8:47 PM

RNC chair cites Ivanka Trump and Kellyanne Conway as examples of GOP women who are leading the way

RNC chair cites Ivanka Trump and Kellyanne Conway as examples of GOP women who are "leading the way"

RNC chair cites Ivanka Trump and Kellyanne Conway as examples of GOP women who are leading the way. "Women all over this country recognize that President Trump’s policies are working for them," McDaniel says. McDaniel: Women all over the U.S. recognize that the policies of President Trump's administration are working.

Fox News
Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway leads charge to overhaul GOP abortion strategy, end Dems' 2024 advantage

Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway is leading charge to shift GOP's messaging strategy on abortion and contraceptives ahead of the 2024 election. Conway: GOP should shift its messaging strategy to end Dems' 2024 advantage. Conway wants to end the GOP's advantage in the midterm elections by 2020.


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