Jan 26, 2024, 10:33 AM
Dec 21, 2023, 3:04 PM

A promising athlete, a volunteer firefighter, and a renowned academic were killed in the worst mass shooting in the nation

Fox News
Czech Republic advances stricter gun law to Senate following nation's worst mass shooting

The lower house of the Czech Parliament has passed an amendment to the country's gun law, imposing stricter requirements for owning a weapon. Officials say the amendment has been passed to the Senate. It is the Czech Republic's worst mass shooting in history, followed by a mass shooting last year.

A promising athlete, a volunteer firefighter, a renowned academic. Czechs mourn the 14 killed in university mass shooting

Czech Republic observes national day of mourning after mass shooting at Charles University in Prague. Worst peacetime shooting in the history of the country left 14 dead and dozens wounded. Czech Republic observing a day of national mourning after worst peacetime shootings in the country's history. Dozens were wounded in the shooting, including a volunteer firefighter and academic.

Prague wakes up in shock and horror after ‘senseless’ shooting attack leaves 14 dead

Prague wakes up in shock and horror after ‘senseless’ shooting attack leaves 14 dead. Gunman killed 14 people and injured 25 more at Charles University on Thursday. It is the deadliest peacetime attack in the history of the Czech Republic. Czech Republic's capital capital, Prague, wakes up to a state of shock.

Shootings are ‘spreading like a disease in Europe,’ says survivor of deadly Prague attack

Jakob Weizman, a student at Charles University in the Czech Republic, says shootings “spreading like a disease to Europe as well” He says shootings are ‘spreading’ like a ‘disease in Europe’s Europe.

Live updates: Prague university shooting

Shooting at a university in Prague leaves several people dead and dozens injured. Czech authorities say dozens of people have been injured in the shooting. Follows live updates from Prague university in Czech capital on Twitter and on Facebook and Instagram. Follow the live updates on the shooting at Prague University on Twitter.

Czech police say there has been a deadly shooting at a Prague university

Czech police say there has been a deadly shooting at a university in Prague. Czech police post a post on the police’s X account on Thursday. The shooting is believed to have taken place in the early hours of Thursday morning in the Czech capital. The incident happened at the university in the city's capital, Prague.

Fox News
Prague shooting leaves multiple people dead, dozens injured, police say

Shooting at a school in Prague leaves multiple people dead, dozens injured, police say. Reports say dozens of people were injured in the shooting, reports say. Police in the Czech Republic's capital of Prague responded to a shooting at the school Thursday. The shooting is believed to have taken place at a nearby school in the city of Prague.

Fox News
Czech police arrest suspect who said 'he was inspired' by Prague shooter and wanted to 'also kill'

Czech police arrest suspect who said 'he was inspired' by Prague shooter and wanted to 'also kill' Suspect wanted to buy gun and kill as well, police say. Police say suspect claimed to be inspired by the Prague mass shooter and 'wanted to buy a gun'


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