Feb 28, 2024, 9:48 AM
Jan 11, 2024, 7:10 PM

Burundi's president is accused of inciting insurrection by the authorities in his country

Fox News
Burundian soldiers detained after refusing deployment in fight against rebels in Congo

Dozens of Burundian soldiers detained after refusing deployment in fight against rebels in Congo. Clashes have intensified in recent weeks in the fight against the M23 rebel group. Burundians detained for refusing to be deployed to eastern Congo in fight with M23 rebels. Clash has intensified in the past few weeks as clashes between rebels and government forces intensify.

Fox News
Tensions escalate as Rwandan authorities accuse Burundian president of incitement

Rwandan authorities accuse Burundian president of incitement. Rwandan government accuses Burundi's leader of escalating tensions through allegations. Burundis closed all border crossings with Rwanda in response to closure of border crossings. Rwanda has accused Burundan president of inciting violence.

Fox News
Burundi deports Rwandans, closes border, alleging nation backs 'terrorist' rebel group

Burundi deports Rwandans, closes border with Rwanda, alleging nation backs 'terrorist' rebel group. Red-Tabara group is designated in Burundian as a terrorist organization. Rwanda is accused of supporting the group, which Burundians say is a terrorist group.

Fox News
Burundi's president claims Rwanda is backing rebels fighting against his country

A Burundian rebel group known as RED-Tabara claimed the attack, arguing that they avoided targeting civilians. The group boasted of killing nine soldiers and one police officer. Burundi's president claims Rwanda is backing rebels fighting against his country. The president says Rwanda is behind the attack.


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