Feb 29, 2024, 5:46 PM
Jan 10, 2024, 1:30 PM

The Pentagon was pressured to release a statement on Lloyd Austin's hospitalization

Republicans slam Defense Secretary Austin's 'unacceptable' handling of hospitalization

Defense Secretary Austin was hospitalized with pneumonia. The hearing centered around why the Deputy Defense Secretary and the White House were not immediately informed. Austin's hospitalization was the result of a medical emergency, the hearing was adjourned on Monday. The White House and the Deputy Secretary of Defense Secretary were not informed of the illness.

Fox News
Lloyd Austin hospitalization: House Republicans demand more details as pressure builds on Pentagon

House Republicans demand more details about Lloyd Austin's hospitalization. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized last month. House Republicans want to know how decisions were made that led to delay in disclosure of Austin's illness. The Pentagon is under fire for not disclosing the delay in disclosing the health of Austin.

Senior White House officials pushed the Pentagon to release a statement on Austin’s hospitalization

Senior White House officials pushed the Pentagon to release a statement on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization. The Pentagon was informed of the hospitalization on Thursday, two administration officials said. The White House pushed for a statement from the Pentagon after learning of Austin's status.

Fox News
Top Republicans call for briefing from Pentagon on Austin's hospitalization

Top Senate Republicans call on Pentagon to give Congress a briefing on Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospitalization. Top Republicans call for briefing from Pentagon on Austin's. Austin was hospitalized with a blood pressure disorder, according to a CNN report. The Pentagon says it will provide a briefing to Congress on the Secretary of Defense.


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