Feb 26, 2024, 4:56 PM
Jan 11, 2024, 4:47 PM

The report of Austin's hospitalization was released by the Pentagon and came under fire

Fox News
Pentagon comes under fire after releasing report of Austin’s hospitalization: ‘We still have questions’

Pentagon releases internal review of failure to notify president about Austin's hospitalization. Pentagon under fire for failing to notify the president about the secretary of state's illness. Secretary Austin was hospitalized last month, but the Pentagon says it still has'many questions' about his condition.

Fox News
Pentagon review of Austin's hospitalization finds staffers were 'significantly' limited, no 'ill intent'

Review of Lloyd Austin's hospitalization finds staffers were'significantly' limited, no 'ill intent' Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized in January. Review found staffers were "significantly" limited and had 'no ill intent' on staff. Review was conducted by an internal review of the Defense Secretary.

Fox News
White House establishes guidelines for Cabinet notifications following Austin's hospitalization controversy

White House establishes guidelines for Cabinet notifications following Austin's hospitalization controversy. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's secret hospitalization sparked controversy. White House established guidelines for delegation of duties in the wake of the incident. Defense secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized with a blood pressure-freezing condition.

Pentagon watchdog launches review following Austin hospitalization

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s hospitalizations in December and January were not immediately disclosed to the White House or other national security officials. The Pentagon inspector general is launching a review of whether the Pentagon has the appropriate policies in place to ensure an effective transfer of power and duties.

Fox News
White House left out of loop of SecDef Austin's mystery hospitalization due to staffer having flu: Pentagon

White House left out of loop of SecDef Austin's mystery hospitalization due to staffer having flu: Pentagon. Secretary of Defense Austin hospitalized due to his chief of staff having flu, Pentagon says. Pentagon: Chief of staff had flu, so White House didn't know of Austin's hospitalization.


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