Jan 12, 2024, 11:27 AM
Jan 12, 2024, 11:27 AM

The EPA lost track of billions of dollars in taxpayer funds

Fox News
Biden's EPA lost track of billions of dollars in taxpayer funds: inspector general

The EPA lost track of 99.9% of the funds that it sent in awards, an inspector general audit finds. The amount was worth billions of dollars, the audit found. The audit was conducted by the inspector general of the Department of Energy Department, which oversees the EPA.

Fox News
Biden admin drops nearly $1 billion on green bus program inspector general warned was unfeasible

Biden admin drops nearly $1 billion on green bus program inspector general warned was unfeasible. Environmental Protection Agency is doubling down on its clean school bus program. Inspector general report casts doubt on program's viability. EPA says it will continue to invest in clean school buses program.

Fox News
Biden admin's botched financial aid rollout under investigation by watchdog

The Biden administration's botched roll out of the new financial aid application system for students and their families has resulted in colleges pushing back admissions deadlines. Biden administration has been criticized for its handling of the application system. Colleges have pushed back admissions dates to accommodate students and families affected by the system.


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