Jan 11, 2024, 2:59 PM
Jan 9, 2024, 5:10 PM

Washington Post columnist, Jimmy To 'Varney & Co.', said that Lloyd Austin should be fired if the Biden administration wants to retain anyCredibility

Fox News
Lloyd Austin scandal displayed 'hubris’, ‘dysfunction’ in Biden administration: Washington Post columnist

Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin ripped U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin for his "hubris" that led to his delay in telling government leaders he was hospitalized. Rogin: Austin's "dysfunction" in Biden administration displayed in the Obama administration.

Fox News
Jimmy To 'Varney & Co.': Lloyd Austin Should Be Fired If The Biden Administration Wants To Retain Any Credibility At All

Jimmy joins "Varney & Co." to give his take on the lack of communication between the Pentagon and the White House regarding Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's recent hospitalization. Jimmy: Lloyd Austin should be fired if the Biden Administration wants to retain any credibility at all. The Biden Administration has been criticized for not communicating with the Pentagon regarding Austin's hospitalization.

Fox News
Stuart Varney: America needs to know why Lloyd Austin went AWOL

America needs to know why Lloyd Austin went AWOL, says Stuart Varney. He says he broke the chain of command by not immediately telling the White House about his ailment. Varney: America needs the full explanation for why he went missing from the Pentagon. The White House should know more about the Secretary of Defense's absence.


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