Mar 3, 2024, 6:00 AM
Mar 3, 2024, 6:00 AM

If there is an emergency, a simple iPhone shortcut could be the difference between life and death

Fox News
In Case of Emergency iPhone shortcut could save your life

The iPhone has a shortcut to alert people of an emergency. In a life-threatening situation, there's not always time to call for help or explain what's happening. The iPhone shortcut could save your life, says CNN Tech Hero Jarrett. The shortcut could be used to help people in emergencies.

Fox News
A simple iPhone shortcut to help you review your day and set goals

A simple iPhone shortcut to help you review your day and set goals. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson reveals the iPhone's handy journaling tool that asks various questions to help users to reflect on each day and what was accomplished. The tool is available on the iPhone and iPad.


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