Jan 13, 2024, 6:00 AM
Jan 13, 2024, 6:00 AM

Who is Bill Ackman and why is he so angry

Who is Bill Ackman and why is he so mad?

The aggrieved billionaire is gunning for Harvard, Business Insider, and anyone who talks about his wife. Ackman is a billionaire investor who owns hedge fund firm, hedge fund and hedge fund. He is suing Harvard and Business Insider over comments he made about his ex-wife.

Who is Bill Ackman and why is he so mad?

The aggrieved billionaire is gunning for Harvard, Business Insider, and anyone who talks about his wife. Ackman is a billionaire investor who owns hedge fund firm, hedge fund and hedge fund. He is suing Harvard and Business Insider over comments he made about his ex-wife.

Fox News
Billionaire Bill Ackman says he is suing Business Insider for defamation

Billionaire Bill Ackman says he and his wife, Neri Oxman, are suing Business Insider for defamation. The outlet published two stories claiming Oxman committed plagiarism in her doctoral dissertation. Business Insider published the stories on two separate occasions in the fall of the year.


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