Jan 24, 2024, 3:23 AM
Jan 24, 2024, 3:23 AM

Magic Johnson gives an obvious insight on the NBA trade

Fox News
Knick of Time: Magic Johnson Delivers Obvious Insight On Three-Week-Old NBA Trade

Magic Johnson rushed to social media on Tuesday to catch fans up on basketball stories that trended almost four weeks ago. Magic Johnson tweeted that the NBA legend had been traded for three weeks. Johnson: "It's time for us to remind us that we are in the process of getting back in touch with each other."

Fox News
NBA legend Magic Johnson lays out the path to success

NBA legend Magic Johnson lays out the path to success. Earvin "Magic" Johnson says its important to seek out mentors who will hold you accountable. Johnson says it's important to find mentors who hold you accountable when you are trying to achieve your goals.


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