Mar 4, 2024, 6:30 PM
Jan 31, 2024, 7:00 PM

The Chinese Communist Party has a propaganda outlet called China Daily

Fox News
Rubio calls on US media outlets to cut ties with CCP propaganda outlet China Daily

Rubio, R-Fla., sent a letter Monday to multiple major U.S. media outlets urging them to cut ties with China Daily. Rubio calls on US media outlets to cut their ties with the CCP-owned newspaper. Rubio is a Republican senator from Florida, who has been critical of the Chinese Communist Party.

Fox News
CBS News helped Chinese Communist Party with ‘propaganda trip,’ ‘puff piece,’ Sen. Rubio says

Sen. Marco Rubio accuses CBS News of pushing Chinese Communist Party "propaganda" with a “puff piece" about Xinjiang. The network took a reporting trip to the region, Rubio says. CBS News has been accused of pushing the Chinese government with a "puff piece," he says.


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