Feb 5, 2024, 1:21 PM
Feb 5, 2024, 1:21 PM

McDonald's says the conflict in the Middle East is hurting its business

McDonald’s says Middle East turmoil is hurting its business

McDonald's says Middle East turmoil is hurting its business. McDonald’s said growing tensions in the Middle East have hurt its business. McDonald's said the Middle Eastern turmoil has hurt its sales. The company said it will continue to focus on its focus on the U.S. market.

Fox News
McDonald's sales hit over Middle East conflict

McDonald's is still taking a financial hit from the ongoing war in the Middle East. As long as the war continues, it expects this impact to continue. McDonald's says it expects the impact of the conflict to continue as long as it continues to happen. The company says it will continue to see a decline in sales in the region.


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