Mar 14, 2024, 12:00 AM
Feb 7, 2024, 5:01 AM

The analysis says that if I was president, it would go wrong

Senegal Elections: 'If I was president'

Senegal is preparing for the upcoming presidential elections. School in Dakar went ahead and held its very own elections. Senegal will hold its own presidential elections in the coming weeks. The country is preparing to hold its first presidential election in the country since 1992. The elections will be held in the capital city of Dakar on Sunday night.

Analysis: Senegal was Africa’s poster child for democracy. Where did it all go wrong?

Senegal has long been praised for its political stability in a region often plagued by volatility. But it now finds itself at a dangerous crossroads after upcoming general elections were abruptly postponed three weeks ahead of its scheduled date. Elections were held three weeks before the scheduled date of the election.


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