Feb 8, 2024, 1:01 AM
Nov 15, 2019, 5:30 AM

If McConnell isn't concerned about his job, maybe he should be

Opinion: If Mitch McConnell isn’t worried about his job, maybe he should be

Mitch McConnell’s future as leader of Senate Republicans seems in greater danger than at any time in recent memory, writes Julian Zelizer. Zelizer: If Mitch McConnell isn’t worried about his job, maybe he should be. McConnell's future as Senate Republican leader is in danger, he writes.

Could the Senate Convict Trump? Here's What Mitch McConnell Worries About

If more than a couple of GOP senators say they intend to vote against Trump, a flood of Republican senators could turn against the president. Mitt Romney, Joni Ernst, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski are among those who say they will vote against the GOP president. If more Republicans say they'll vote against him, the GOP could lose control of Congress.


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