Mar 5, 2024, 6:27 PM
Jul 30, 2018, 1:16 PM

An exiled South Sudanese academic has been charged with trying to traffic weapons and overthrow the government

Fox News
Exiled South Sudanese academic charged in scheme to traffic weapons, overthrow government

Peter Biar Ajak, 40, has been charged in Arizona in connection with a conspiracy to purchase and illegally export weapons in a bid to overthrow the South Sudanese government. The academic is accused of trying to buy and sell illegal weapons in an attempt to overthrow South Sudan's government.

Harvard Graduate Arrested in South Sudan After Tweets

Harvard graduate Peter Biar Ajak has been detained because he's a threat to South Sudan's corrupt regime, friends and family say. Ajak is a Harvard graduate who was arrested in South Sudan after tweeting about the country's corrupt government. He was detained because of his tweets against the government, friends say.


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