Oct 21, 2023, 1:00 PM
Oct 21, 2023, 1:00 PM

You can now exchange numbers by tapping on the same phone

You can now exchange numbers just by tapping iPhones together. Here's how to use it

iOS 17 adds a new feature that lets you swap numbers by tapping your iPhone next to each other. You can now swap numbers just by tapping the two phones together. The feature was added to iOS 17 for the first time in September. It's a feature that allows you to swap numbers with your iPhone and iPad owners.

You can now exchange numbers just by tapping iPhones together. Here's how to use it

iOS 17 adds a new feature that lets you swap numbers by tapping your iPhone next to each other. You can now swap numbers just by tapping the two phones together. The feature was added to iOS 17 for the first time in September. It's a feature that allows you to swap numbers with your iPhone and iPad owners.


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