Feb 24, 2024, 12:00 AM
Feb 24, 2024, 12:00 AM

Piers Morgan and Oprah Winfrey faked their presence in US influencer's ads

Piers Morgan and Oprah Winfrey 'deepfaked' for US influencer's ads

Piers Morgan and Oprah Winfrey criticised the use of AI deepfake ads for US influencer's'manifestation' guide. The pair criticised the 'deepfake' ads used to promote a "manifestations" guide. Piers and Oprah criticised the AI-powered ads for being fake.

Piers Morgan and Oprah Winfrey 'deepfaked' for US influencer's ads

Piers Morgan and Oprah Winfrey criticised the use of AI deepfake ads for US influencer's'manifestation' guide. The pair criticised the 'deepfake' ads used to promote a "manifestations" guide. Piers and Oprah criticised the AI-powered ads for being fake.


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