Apr 4, 2024, 12:00 AM
Nov 14, 2023, 12:00 AM

Russia is using 'hybrid warfare' to push migrants over the border

Euro News
Finland to keep its border closed with Russia over migration concerns

Finland closed the 1,340-kilometer land border late last year after an unusually high number of asylum-seekers entered the country. Finland to keep its border closed with Russia over migration concerns. Finland closed its border with Russia last year due to an unusually large influx of asylum seekers.

Sky News
Finland lays out plans to block asylum seekers arriving from Russia

Finland claims Russia is funnelling people to its eastern border. Finland joined NATO in response to the invasion of Ukraine. Finland abandoned its long-held position of military non-alignment and joined NATO. Finland says Russia funnelling asylum seekers to its east border after joining NATO.

Euro News
Russia using 'hybrid warfare' to push migrants over Finnish border

There has been a sharp uptick in recent days in the numbers of asylum seekers arriving at border posts in southeast Finland, after a gradual buildup over several months.


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