Mar 8, 2024, 10:49 AM
Mar 8, 2024, 10:49 AM

Jerrod Carmichael is a superb standup, if only he would stop checking his phone on stage

The Guardian
Jerrod Carmichael is a superb standup – if only he’d stop checking his phone on stage

US comedian won an Emmy for the remarkable 2022 special Rothaniel. Comedian makes a bemusing visit to London to promote his new TV series. He is a superb standup - if only he’d stop checking his phone on stage. He won't be able to stop checking it off his phone while on the stage.

The Guardian
Jerrod Carmichael is a superb standup – if only he’d stop checking his phone on stage

US comedian won an Emmy for the remarkable 2022 special Rothaniel. Comedian makes a bemusing visit to London to promote his new TV series. He is a superb standup - if only he’d stop checking his phone on stage. He won't be able to stop checking it off his phone while on the stage.


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