Mar 16, 2024, 3:00 PM
Apr 13, 2022, 5:47 AM

If the French election were held now, Marine Le Pen would win a majority of the votes

The Telegraph
Marine Le Pen would win majority if French election was held now

Leaked poll has Emmanuel Macron’s party on course to lose nearly half its seats. Marine Le Pen would win majority if French election was held now, poll shows. Emmanuel Macron's party set to lose almost half of its seats in the next election. Marine's party is expected to win majority of seats in French parliament.

How Far Right Marine Le Pen Won Over Middle-Aged Voters

Marine Le Pen broadens her support base among those aged 35 to 59. Le Pen has successfully broadened her support by focusing on the issues these voters most care about. Marine has won over the middle-aged voters in France by appealing to them to voters aged 35-59.


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