Mar 16, 2024, 7:00 PM
Mar 16, 2024, 7:00 PM

These poems show why Christianity matters, even though George Orwell derided them

The Telegraph
George Orwell sneered at them – but these poems show why Christianity matters

TS Eliot’s magnificent Four Quartets are proof of the power of faith in the darkest times. George Orwell sneered at them – but these poems show why Christianity matters. Composed in the teeth of the Blitz, they were proof of their faith in their darkest days.

The Telegraph
George Orwell sneered at them – but these poems show why Christianity matters

TS Eliot’s magnificent Four Quartets are proof of the power of faith in the darkest times. George Orwell sneered at them – but these poems show why Christianity matters. Composed in the teeth of the Blitz, they were proof of their faith in their darkest days.


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