Mar 25, 2024, 12:00 AM
Mar 17, 2024, 12:00 AM

Christine Blasey Ford was celebrated by Hollywood liberals at a book party

Fox News
'Bitter' Christine Blasey Ford describes chaotic experience in memoir about accusing Kavanaugh

'Bitter' Christine Blasey Ford describes chaotic experience in memoir about accusing Brett Kavanaugh. Ford's memoir describes how her life was turned upside down by politicians, lawyers and journalists. Ford: 'I'm not a good person, but I'm a bad person'

Fox News
Christine Blasey Ford celebrated by Hollywood liberals at star-studded book party: 'We stand with you'

Hollywood A-listers shower Christine Blasey Ford with praise at swanky party promoting her new book. Kerry Washington and Elizabeth Banks among those showering her with praise. 'We stand with you', she said at party promoting new book. 'We are standing with you'

Opinion: No one knows the real Christine Blasey Ford

In her new memoir, “One Way Back,” Christine Blasey claws back ownership of her life, writes Jill Filipovic. She writes that she had never before 2018 been known as “Christine Blasesy Ford’s” Ford.

Opinion: No one knows the real Christine Blasey Ford

In her new memoir, “One Way Back,” Christine Blasey claws back ownership of her life, writes Jill Filipovic. She writes that she had never before 2018 been known as “Christine Blasesy Ford’s” Ford.

Fox News
Christine Blasey Ford returns to spotlight, with sympathetic press in tow

Christine Blasey Ford accused Justice Kavanaugh of sexual assault during his confirmation hearings. Ford joined prominent news outlets for interviews about her new book this week. Ford's book, "Christine," is published by Simon Cowan, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author. Ford: "It's a good book. It's a great book. I love it"

Christine Blasey Ford Testifies Again

Christine Blasey Ford's new memoir doubles as a modern-day horror story. Ford's memoir is a modern day horror tale. Ford: "I'm not going to lie to my friends. I'm not lying to them. I want to tell them what I think about it"

Washington Examiner
Invisible man: The media try to rehabilitate Christine Blasey Ford while ignoring the full story - Washington Examiner

Christine Blasey Ford released a memoir about her experience during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation, but it's not the full story. The media try to rehabilitate her while ignoring the full truth, she says. Ford's memoir is a memoir, but not a memoir.

Washington Examiner
Invisible man: The media try to rehabilitate Christine Blasey Ford while ignoring the full story - Washington Examiner

Christine Blasey Ford released a memoir about her experience during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation, but it's not the full story. The media try to rehabilitate her while ignoring the full truth, she says. Ford's memoir is a memoir, but not a memoir.

Christine Blasey Ford Testifies Again

Christine Blasey Ford's new memoir doubles as a modern-day horror story. Ford's memoir is a modern day horror tale. Ford: "I'm not going to lie to my friends. I'm not lying to them. I want to tell them what I think about it"

The Economist
Christine Blasey Ford returns

Christine Blasey Ford's new memoir looks back at the drama surrounding Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Ford's memoir is published by Ford, a friend of Ford and Ford. Ford: "I am a survivor of sexual assault. I am not a victim of sexual violence," she writes.

Christine Blasey Ford aims to own her story with 'One Way Back'

Christine Blasey Ford aims to own her story with 'One Way Back' Ford says it was only a couple of years ago that she felt ready to revisit how her life was upended by Brett Kavanaugh's rise to a position on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Christine Blasey Ford aims to own her story with 'One Way Back'

Christine Blasey Ford aims to own her story with 'One Way Back' Ford says it was only a couple of years ago that she felt ready to revisit how her life was upended by Brett Kavanaugh's rise to a position on the U.S. Supreme Court.

CBS News
Christine Blasey Ford on the cost of speaking out

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accused Brett Kavanaugh of assaulting her at a party while in high school. Ford has written a memoir, "One Way Back, about her experience speaking out. She talks with correspondent Tracy Smith about the costs of going public.


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