Mar 19, 2024, 12:20 PM
Mar 16, 2024, 8:18 PM

Critics say that Medicaid offices target dead people's homes to cover their health care costs

ABC News
State Medicaid offices target dead people’s homes to recoup their health care costs

State Medicaid offices target dead people’s homes to recoup their health care costs. Many Americans rely on Medicaid when fighting diseases. State officials say they're targeting dead people's homes to pay for their medical bills. Medicaid offices are also targeting people who have died in their homes.

Fox News
Medicaid offices sue for dead people’s homes to cover health care costs without warning, critics say

Critics say the rule is cruel and that people are often unaware that their property could be seized when they sign up. Medicaid offices sue for dead people’s homes to cover health care costs without warning, critics say. Medicaid's estate recovery process varies from state to state.

ABC News
State Medicaid offices target dead people’s homes to recoup their health care costs

State Medicaid offices target dead people’s homes to recoup their health care costs. Many Americans rely on Medicaid when fighting diseases. State officials say they're targeting dead people's homes to pay for their medical bills. Medicaid offices are also targeting people who have died in their homes.

Associated Press
State Medicaid offices target dead people’s homes to recoup their health care costs

State Medicaid offices target dead people’s homes to recoup their health care costs. Often, states try to recover the costs after the recipients die. States often target dead recipients' homes to recover their costs after they die, officials say. States are often targeting dead people's homes to try and recoup the costs.


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