Mar 18, 2024, 2:56 PM
Mar 18, 2024, 12:00 AM

The Kentucky House voted to end funding for DEI offices at public universities

NBC News
Kentucky House votes to defund DEI offices at public universities

Kentucky House votes to defund funding for diversity, equity and inclusion offices at public universities. DEI offices at state's public universities will be defunded. Kentucky House voted Friday to choke off funding for the offices at the state's universities. DeI offices are funded by the state of Kentucky's public colleges.

Fox News
Kentucky House votes to end funding for DEI offices at state schools, following in Florida's footsteps

Kentucky House votes to end funding for diversity, equity and inclusion offices at state schools. The Republican-controlled Kentucky House followed Florida's footsteps. The DEI offices are at publicly funded universities in the state. Kentucky House voted to end the offices, following Florida's example.


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