Feb 20, 2024, 9:44 AM
Feb 19, 2024, 9:12 PM

Khan slammed for "anti-British propaganda" as the row erupted over fourth plinth

GB News
'Virtue signalling' Khan slammed for 'anti-British propaganda' as row erupts over fourth plinth

Mayor said he is 'proud to support the fourth plinth art exhibition in Trafalgar Square' Khan slammed for 'anti-British propaganda' as row erupts over the fourth plinth. Khan said: 'I am proud to support this' and said it was 'virtue signalling'

GB News
'Virtue signalling' Khan slammed for 'anti-British propaganda' as row erupts over fourth plinth

Mayor said he is 'proud to support the fourth plinth art exhibition in Trafalgar Square' Khan slammed for 'anti-British propaganda' as row erupts over the fourth plinth. Khan said: 'I am proud to support this' and said it was 'virtue signalling'

The Telegraph
Sadiq Khan puts ‘anti-UK propaganda’ on a pedestal in Trafalgar Square

Sadiq Khan puts ‘anti-UK propaganda’ on a pedestal in Trafalgar Square. Mayor of London announces multicultural shortlist of sculptures for landmark’s fourth plinth. Khan: ‘Anti-UK propaganda’ will be placed on Trafalggar Square’


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