Apr 8, 2024, 10:21 PM
Mar 19, 2024, 5:21 AM

The Qantas picture caught the airline in an 'unacceptable' act

Yahoo! News
Qantas photo catches airline in 'unacceptable' act: 'I'd be fuming'

Qantas photo catches airline in 'unacceptable' act: 'I'd be fuming' The airline has said it's now urgently looking into how this could've happened. Qantsas said it was 'urgently looking into' how it could've occurred.

Daily Mail
Pictures of Qantas food, lounges slammed as 'embarrassing'

Pictures taken by travellers show 'disgusting' meals and tatty furniture in its lounges. One frequent flyer labels Qantas 'embarrassing' and labels the pictures 'dishy' and 'dirty' meals. The airline has been slammed for its 'tatty' furniture and food in the loungs.


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