Jul 24, 2012, 3:25 PM
Jul 24, 2012, 3:25 PM

The Liberal Democrats, with or without Dr Cable at the helm, would steer us onto the rocks

Daily Mail
The Liberal Democrats, with or without Dr Cable at the helm, would steer us onto the rocks

Dr Cable should resign from his Cabinet post, standing for the leadership and then returning to the position that he occupied before. The Liberal Democrats, with or without Dr Cable at the helm, would steer us onto the rocks, writes Dr Robert Leever. Dr Leever: The Lib Dems would be on the rocks without Cable.

Daily Mail
The Liberal Democrats, with or without Dr Cable at the helm, would steer us onto the rocks

Dr Cable should resign from his Cabinet post, standing for the leadership and then returning to the position that he occupied before. The Liberal Democrats, with or without Dr Cable at the helm, would steer us onto the rocks, writes Dr Robert Leever. Dr Leever: The Lib Dems would be on the rocks without Cable.


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