Mar 20, 2024, 12:00 AM
Mar 19, 2024, 11:35 AM

Critics slammed a headline that claimed Republicans fixate on Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal

Fox News
Critics hammer Politico headline claiming 'Republicans fixate' on Biden's 'messy' Afghanistan withdrawal

Critics hammer Politico headline claiming 'Republicans fixate' on Biden's "messy Afghanistan withdrawal" after holding a congressional hearing Tuesday. Critics hammered Politico for claiming "Republicans fixated" on President Biden's withdrawal after holding hearing on Afghanistan. Biden's administration has been criticized for its handling of the situation in Afghanistan.

Daily Mail
Republicans to grill top military brass over Afghanistan withdrawal

Republicans to grill top military brass over withdrawal from Afghanistan. Two top military leaders will testify before Congress about the hasty retreat that left 13 service members dead. Two years after the Biden administration's withdrawal, two top military officials will testify. They will be grilled by Republicans about the withdrawal from the country.


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