Mar 20, 2024, 11:31 AM
Mar 19, 2024, 12:00 AM

AT&T's petition to end traditional landline service was the subject of a final public hearing

CBS News
Hundreds speak out at CPUC hearing on AT&T plan to ditch landlines

Hundreds speak out at CPUC hearing on AT&T plan to ditch landlines. Over 200 phone comments were heard by the California Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday. AT&T is the state's carrier of last resort. The CPUC is considering releasing AT&P from its obligation to serve as carrier of the last-reservation carrier.

CBS News
Final public hearing held Tuesday night on AT&T petition to end traditional landline service

Final public hearing held Tuesday night on AT&T petition to end traditional landline service. Thousands of people including local law enforcement are calling on the California Public Utilities Commission to reject the plan. Local law enforcement among those calling for the plan to be rejected by the commission.


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