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Voters decide the results of Tuesday's municipal elections in South Florida

CBS News
Miami-Dade and Broward County election results decide Surfside and Pembroke Pines mayors, more local races

Miami-Dade, Broward municipal elections Tuesday result in new mayors for Pembroke Pines, Surfside. Surfside and Pembrook Pines mayors elected in Miami Dade and Broward County election results. Miami-area election results show Surfside, Pines and Surfside mayors elected.

CBS News
Voters Decide: Trump wins primary, new mayors for Surfside, Pembroke Pines

Morgan Rynor takes a look at the results of Tuesday's municipal elections. Surfside, Pembroke Pines have new mayors for Surfside and Pembrook Pines. Pembreeke and Surfside will hold their mayoral offices on May 1.

CBS News
Voters decide: Tuesday's municipal election results in South Florida

Voters in several South Florida communities went to the polls in municipal elections on Tuesday. Florida voters also voted on the Presidential Preference Primary Election in addition to the Presidential Primary Election on Tuesday, which took place in the state's presidential primary on Tuesday night. Voters in South Florida also voted in the presidential primary election on Tuesday evening.


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