Mar 22, 2024, 5:46 PM
Mar 14, 2024, 12:40 PM

The Republican control of the House is hanging by a thread

Republican control of the House dangling by a thread

GOP Wisconsin Representative Mike Gallagher announced on Friday that he plans to resign from his position next month. Gallagher will step down from his post as a Republican in the state legislature. Republican control of the House hangs by a thread. Gallagher is the only Republican in Wisconsin to be elected to the House of Representatives.

House Republicans' party-line majority hangs by a thread

GOP will soon not be able to lose more than 2 votes in any party-line vote. Democrats expecting to gain back seat next month. House Republicans' party-lines majority hangs by a thread. House Democrats expected to gain control of the House in midterms next week.

House Republicans divided over gathering focused on party unity

GOP leaders organized an annual retreat “aimed at unifying the conference’s conference” Most of their members decided not to show up for the gathering. House Republicans are divided over gathering focused on party unity. Most members of the House Republican caucus decided to stay away from the retreat.


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