Apr 13, 2024, 12:23 AM
Sep 21, 2020, 4:41 PM

The EU and the UK are within kissing distance of a Gibraltar border deal

Daily Mail
Britain's Gibraltar concessions with Spain to reach a post-Brexit deal

Spanish official warned it would be a 'hostile act' and that its response would likely 'not be mild' A Red Arrows aerobatics display scheduled for last September was reportedly cancelled after a Spanish official said it was likely 'a hostile act' The Red Arrows were due to perform a Red Arrows display in Gibraltar.

The Telegraph
Tory MPs fear Gibraltar concessions over trade

No details made public about how problems that have seen talks drag on for years have been settled behind closed doors. No details were made public on how problems have been resolved behind closed door. Tory MPs fear Gibraltar concessions over trade talks with Gibraltar over Gibraltar. Gibraltar is a key ally of the British government in the region of Spain.

The Guardian
The Guardian view on Gibraltar: a deal with the EU is long overdue

Gibraltar voted 96% to remain in the EU in a referendum last year. Gibraltar is now in the process of securing a formal trade and border deal with the EU. Gibraltar voted overwhelmingly to remain and is a British overseas territory in Britain's most populous province. The UK has been in talks with the European Union for more than a decade to secure a deal.

The Guardian
UK and EU ‘within kissing distance’ of post-Brexit Gibraltar border deal

Gibraltar’s chief minister says progress made in talks about free movement across border with Spain. UK and EU ‘within kissing distance’ of post-Brexit Gibraltar border deal. Gibraltar's chief minister said progress made on free movement between UK and Spain. Gibraltar has been in talks with the EU about a possible post-Gibraltar free movement deal.

The Telegraph
The EU is in danger of taking Gibraltar by stealth

The EU is in danger of taking Gibraltar by stealth, writes Simon Tisdall. It is not in the interests of Nato for our hold on the Rock to be weakened. Yet that could happen if the EU and Spanish get their way, he says. It's not in Nato's interests of the UK to weaken its hold on Gibraltar, he writes.

UK, Spain Make ‘Significant Progress’ Toward Gibraltar Deal

UK, Spain make ‘significant progress’ toward a deal to settle post-Brexit border arrangements for Gibraltar. UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron, his Spanish counterpart and Gibraltar’s chief minister held talks on Friday. UK and Spain said they made “significant progress” toward a Gibraltar deal.

Fox News
EU, Britain and Spain say significant progress made in talks on post-Brexit status of Gibraltar

EU, Britain and Spain say significant progress made in talks on post-Brexit status of Gibraltar. British and Spanish foreign ministers said significant progress was achieved during talks held Friday over Gibraltar's status following Britain's exit from the European Union. EU, UK and Spain have been discussing Gibraltar's post-UK status following the EU's exit.

Euro News
EU and UK make significant progress on broad Gibraltar policy lines

EU and UK make significant progress on broad Gibraltar policy lines. Final details of the EU's post-Brexit relationship with the UK regarding Gibraltar are being shaped following a high-level four-way meeting. EU and the UK are working together to shape the future of Gibraltar.

The Telegraph
UK warns Spain not to meddle with Gibraltar RAF base in post-Brexit deal

UK warns Spain not to meddle with Gibraltar RAF base in post-Brexit deal. Insiders say military independence is a red line in negotiations, as Lord Cameron resumes talks. Lord Cameron has resumed talks with the Spanish government over Gibraltar. Gibraltar is a key military base in the UK's most important post-UK post-EU negotiations.

GB News
EU commissioner sparks fury among Britons after claiming 'Gibraltar is Spanish'

EU commissioner sparks fury among Britons after claiming 'Gibraltar is Spanish' Critics have hit back at the remarks as Gibraltar was ceded to Britain in 1713. Gibraltar was given to Britain by the British king in 1712. Gibraltar has been a British colony since 1713 and is now British territory.

GB News
Britons could be hit by a wave of new strict checks at Gibraltar under post-Brexit rules

Britons could be hit by a wave of new strict checks at Gibraltar under post-Brexit rules. Britons visiting Gibraltar could be subjected to stricter rules under new proposals. Gibraltar could also be subject to stricter checks under new plans to stop British tourists from visiting the island. The proposals are being considered by the European Court of Justice for Gibraltar.

Foreign Policy
Brexit Might Break Britain. What Will Scotland Do?

Britain has been hit hard by the prospect of leaving the UK. Scotland will decide what to do with the rest of the country's future. The Scottish Parliament is now considering a referendum on whether to leave the UK in 2015. Scotland's independence referendum will be held in 2016.


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