Mar 20, 2024, 5:06 PM
Mar 20, 2024, 12:00 AM

The City of Ann arbor is implementing "anonymous hiring"

CBS News
Ann Arbor implementing anonymous hiring for city jobs to prevent gender, racial bias

Ann Arbor implementing anonymous hiring for city jobs to prevent gender, racial bias. The hiring method will remove potentially biased information from the city of Ann Arbor job applications. Ann Arbor will focus on the skills and qualifications and focus on skills, not bias, the city says. The city will implement the method to prevent bias in the hiring process.

CBS News
City of Ann Arbor implementing "anonymous hiring"

Ann Arbor will implement "anonymous hiring" for jobs in the city government. The move will help prevent gender and race bias during the hiring process. The city government will implement anonymous hiring to help prevent bias in hiring. Ann Arbor says it will be implemented to prevent gender bias.


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