Mar 21, 2024, 6:12 AM
Mar 21, 2024, 12:00 AM

The Socialists lost their stronghold as Lus Montenegro was appointed the PM

Socialists lose stronghold as centre-right Luís Montenegro appointed PM

President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has asked Luís Montenegro, leader of the centre-right PSD (EPP) to form a government. The move puts an end to eight years of Socialist rule in Portugal. Portugal’s president, Marcelo. Rebelo. de Souza, has asked Montenegro to form government during an audience held.

Luís Montenegro: Centre-right leader invited to form minority government

Centre-right leader invited to form minority government. Montenegro has its most fragmented parliament since the end of dictatorship 50 years ago. The country has most fragmented Parliament since dictatorship ended in 1960s. Montenegria has most fragmentation parliament since end of its dictatorship 50 a century ago.


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