Mar 25, 2024, 5:00 AM
Mar 21, 2024, 3:00 AM

Why were so many people imprisoned over one protest in Bristol

The Guardian
‘It was so wrong’: why were so many people imprisoned over one protest in Bristol? – podcast

More people have been imprisoned for rioting during a single day in Bristol than in any other protest-related disorder since at least the 1980s. What was behind this push to prosecute so harshly? By Tom Wall. – podcast.‘It was so wrong’: why were so many people imprisoned over one protest in Bristol?

The Guardian
The silencing of climate protesters in English and Welsh courts - podcast

The court of appeal ruled on Monday that the ‘consent’ defence could not be used in the cases of climate protesters. Sandra Laville reports on the silencing of climate demonstrators in English and Welsh courts. The 'consent' defence was ruled out in the case of the protesters in the UK.

The Guardian
The silencing of climate protesters in English and Welsh courts - podcast

The court of appeal ruled on Monday that the ‘consent’ defence could not be used in the cases of climate protesters. Sandra Laville reports on the silencing of climate demonstrators in English and Welsh courts. The 'consent' defence was ruled out in the case of the protesters in the UK.


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