Mar 31, 2024, 3:02 PM
Mar 21, 2024, 6:00 AM

The Labour party is in my blood and I have just canceled my membership

Daily Mail
Alarm bells in Labour as more than 23,000 members quit the party

More than 23,000 members of Labour have quit the party over Gaza row. Insiders say they are angered by Sir Keir Starmer's stance on Gaza and ditching £28 billion eco pledge. Supporters angered by his stance on the Gaza stance and ditched his flagship £28bn pledge.

The Guardian
The Labour party is in my blood. Here’s why I’ve just cancelled my membership

Guardian columnist Owen Jones has cancelled his membership of the Labour party. He says his ancestors could always point to Labour policies that transformed ordinary lives. But he cannot say the same, as he has now cancelled membership of his party. Owen Jones: Labour party is in my blood. Here’s why I’ve just cancelled my membership.

The Guardian
The Labour party is in my blood. Here’s why I’ve just cancelled my membership

Guardian columnist Owen Jones has cancelled his membership of the Labour party. He says his ancestors could always point to Labour policies that transformed ordinary lives. But he cannot say the same, as he has now cancelled membership of his party. Owen Jones: Labour party is in my blood. Here’s why I’ve just cancelled my membership.


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