Mar 28, 2024, 11:03 AM
Mar 21, 2024, 8:07 AM
China's megastar author: "People are comfortable, they don't want any more progress
The Guardian
Author of sci-fi epic The Three-Body Problem on ‘the greatest uncertainty facing humanity’ and how finding a secret copy of a Jules Verne novel inspired his career. Liu Cixin: ‘I'm often asked – there’s science fiction in China?’
The Telegraph
Author Cixin Liu tells us why he's optimistic about the future. Liu's novel The Three-Body Problem is due to be adapted on Netflix. Liu says: 'People are comfortable. They don't want any more progress' He says he is optimistic about his success in China.
The Telegraph
Author Cixin Liu tells us why he's optimistic about the future. Liu's novel The Three-Body Problem is due to be adapted on Netflix. Liu says: 'People are comfortable. They don't want any more progress' He says he is optimistic about his success in China.
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