Mar 22, 2024, 2:28 PM
Mar 21, 2024, 7:30 AM

The job ad for "deconstructing whiteness officer" was criticized by Justin Welby

The Telegraph
Justin Welby criticises Church’s ‘deconstructing whiteness officer’ job advert

Justin Welby criticises Church’s ‘deconstructing whiteness officer’ job advert. Archbishop of Canterbury says language used in advert is similar to that used in the BBC sitcom W1A. He says language is like that used to be used in BBC sitcom 'W1A'

The Telegraph
Justin Welby criticises Church’s ‘deconstructing whiteness officer’ job advert

Justin Welby criticises Church’s ‘deconstructing whiteness officer’ job advert. Archbishop of Canterbury says language used in advert is similar to that used in the BBC sitcom W1A. He says language is like that used to be used in BBC sitcom 'W1A'

GB News
Justin Welby blasts Church of England diocese over job ad for 'deconstructing whiteness officer'

Justin Welby blasts Church of England diocese over job ad for 'deconstructing whiteness officer' Church officials say the new role help to'stand against the evil and pernicious sin of racism' The new role will help to stand against the 'evil and peranicious sin' of racism.

The Telegraph
Planet Normal: Justin Welby needs to behave more like a religious leader and less like a Labour MP

Columnists Allison Pearson & Liam Halligan speak to SDP London Mayoral candidate Amy Gallagher. Gallagher fears for the Church of England's future. She says Justin Welby needs to behave more like a religious leader and less like a Labour MP. Gallagher also fears for future of the church.


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