Mar 24, 2024, 11:18 AM
Mar 22, 2024, 12:00 AM

Protests in remote Ladakh demand protection of fragile ecology

ABC News
Protests in remote Ladakh enter 3rd week. Locals demand protection of fragile ecology, land autonomy

Protests in remote Ladakh enter 3rd week in freezing temperatures. Locals demand protection of fragile ecology, land autonomy. Thousands of people in remote region of Ladakh have been protesting for over two weeks. They are demanding constitutional provisions from Indian government to protect their territory’s fragile ecology.

Associated Press
Protests in remote Ladakh enter 3rd week. Locals demand protection of fragile ecology, land autonomy

Protests in remote Ladakh enter 3rd week in freezing temperatures. Locals demand protection of fragile ecology, land autonomy. Thousands of people in remote region of Ladakh have been protesting for over two weeks. They are demanding constitutional provisions from Indian government to protect their territory’s fragile ecology.

Ladakh: The thousands of Indians protesting in freezing cold

People of Ladakh, India's northern-most region, are demanding their own government and state. Thousands of Indians are protesting in freezing cold in the freezing north-east of India. They are demanding a new government and a new state of their own. The region is India's most populous and most populous state of Kashmir.

Ladakh: The thousands of Indians protesting in freezing cold

People of Ladakh, India's northern-most region, are demanding their own government and state. Thousands of Indians are protesting in freezing cold in the freezing north-east of India. They are demanding a new government and a new state of their own. The region is India's most populous and most populous state of Kashmir.


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