Apr 18, 2024, 9:07 AM
Mar 21, 2024, 11:01 PM

The UN says that women and girls are the first to suffer when there is a shortage of food in poor and rural areas

The New York Times
Drought Pushes Millions Into ‘Acute Hunger’ in Southern Africa

Drought is devastating communities across several countries, killing crops and livestock and sending food prices soaring. The disaster, intensified by El Niño, is intensified by the disaster. El Niño is killing crops, killing livestock and raising food prices in Africa's poorest countries. The drought is also killing crops in several countries and sending prices soaring in Africa.

The Guardian
Women and girls suffer first when droughts hit poor and rural areas, says UN

Women and girls suffer first when droughts hit poor and rural areas, says UN. World water development report warns that access to water is major source of conflict between countries. Access to water in water systems is major cause of conflict, says report. Women and children suffer first, UN report says.

The Guardian
Women and girls suffer first when droughts hit poor and rural areas, says UN

Women and girls suffer first when droughts hit poor and rural areas, says UN. World water development report warns that access to water is major source of conflict between countries. Access to water in water systems is major cause of conflict, says report. Women and children suffer first, UN report says.


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