Apr 16, 2024, 1:49 PM
Mar 19, 2024, 5:06 PM

I lost my house because of a £30,000 tax bill

Daily Mail
SALLY SORTS IT: Help! The £213,000 I paid to HMRC has gone missing...

The £213,000 I paid to HMRC has gone missing. I am at my wits' end with St James's Place. I am an executor of my friend's estate. There is an inheritance tax bill of £800,000 to pay on his estate.

HMRC issues payslip tax code which means you'll get £900 back this week

HMRC issues payslip tax code which means you'll get £900 back this week. Changes in National Insurance announced by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt in the Spring Statement and Budget. Workers with one- tax code on their payslip will get the money back this weekend. National Insurance changes were announced in the Budget and Spring Statement.

Daily Mail
I lost my five-bed house after HMRC sent me a £30,000 tax bill

In 2003 I received a tax bill so enormous I assumed it was a misprint. Added to the still-unpaid amount from the previous year, it was £30,000. This was because I'd forgotten to send in the forms on time. I lost my five-bed house after HMRC sent me a £30k tax bill.

The Telegraph
‘My tax refund is three months late – HMRC is an absolute mess’

‘My tax refund is three months late – HMRC is an absolute mess’ Tax office accused of withholding money, while it penalises others for late payments. Tax office also penalises people who have not received a tax refund for more than three months. HMRC has been accused of being a 'absolute mess'

Daily Mail
Help, my £190,000 savings are being held hostage! SALLY SORTS IT

Nearly all my savings - about £190,000 - are in a stocks and shares Individual Savings Account with wealth management company Quilter. I tried to transfer the balance in early September last year, but the balance is still being held hostage. Sally Sorts It.

The Guardian
HMRC’s bill looks like a scam, but it’s impossible to check

HMRC's bill looks like a scam, but it's impossible to check. I can't find a way to sort out an overdue tax demand, for a sum I don’t think I owe, with a mystery telephone number. HMRC’s bill appears to be a scam.

The Telegraph
Letters: The almighty struggle to resolve a tax problem via the HMRC helpline

The almighty struggle to resolve a tax problem via the HMRC helpline. Plus; A culture of lawlessness; supporting cancer charities; bungled state pensions; the sorry state of our roads; and prettier pylons. Plus; a culture of. lawlessness.

GB News
HMRC rakes in extra £400million in inheritance tax but there’s an ‘easy way’ to cut bill ‌

HMRC rakes in extra £400million in inheritance tax but there’s an ‘easy way’ to cut bill. Britons reminded they can claw back some cash from the taxman with effective tax planning. Britons are reminded that there are still ways to claw back cash from taxman.

Daily Mail
Bad HMRC advice cost me £10K on inheritance tax bill: SALLY SORTS IT

HMRC advice cost me £10K on inheritance tax bill: SALLY SORTS IT. I was the executor for the estate of a friend when I shouldn't have paid any. I ended up paying interest I estimate at about £10,000 on the inheritance tax owed.


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