Mar 26, 2024, 1:38 AM
Mar 24, 2024, 12:00 AM

The UFC fighter was bitten by his opponent and lost his job

Daily Mail
UFC fighter Andre Lima 'SORRY' for opponent losing his job after bite

UFC flyweight Andre Lima 'SORRY' for Igor Severino losing his job after bite. Lima says he feels sorry for Severino now that he's lost his job. Lima got bitten by Severino in a bout over the weekend. Lima: 'I'm sorry for Igor' Severino.

Daily Mail
UFC star DQ'd for BITING opponent and leaving teeth marks in his arm

UFC star DQ'd for BITING opponent and leaving teeth marks in his arm. Severino and Lima were locked in a grapple against the cage before Lima began yelling to the referee. Incident evoked memories of Mike Tyson's 'bite fight' against Evander Holyfield in 1997.

Fox News
UFC bout stopped after fighter bites opponent: 'I felt the pain'

Igor Severino bit Andre Lima in the second round of the fight on Saturday night. The flyweight bout had to be stopped after Lima bit Severino in the fight. Lima said he 'felt the pain' after the fight stopped after Severino bite him in the first round.

Fox News
UFC fighter receives massive bonus after getting bitten during bout

UFC CEO Dana White gives Andre Lima bonus after he was bitten during fight. Lima "felt the pain" during fight in Las Vegas Saturday night. Lima received a massive bonus for getting bitten during his fight. White: "Andre Lima felt the pain. He felt it very badly"


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