Apr 8, 2024, 7:08 PM
Mar 25, 2024, 12:00 AM

Garland must produce recordings of Hur's interview with Biden if the GOP wants to hold him in contempt

Washington Examiner
DOJ refuses to turn over audio of Robert Hur interview with Biden to House GOP - Washington Examiner

DOJ refuses to turn over audio of Robert Hur interview with Joe Biden to House GOP. Justice Department will not provide audio recording to House Judiciary and House Oversight committees. House GOP will not turn over recording of Hur's interview with Biden to the House Judiciary Committee. House Oversight and Judiciary Committee will be given audio of Hur interview.

Daily Mail
Garland must produce recordings of Hur's interview with Biden TODAY

Garland must produce recordings of Hur's interview with Biden TODAY. Garland on Monday faces a deadline to hand over records of President Biden's special counsel interview. He may be held in contempt of Congress if he does not produce the recordings, which he must produce TODAY. If he does, Garland could be in contempt if he doesn't produce the records.

Associated Press
Justice Department blasts GOP effort to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt over Biden audio

Justice Department blasts GOP effort to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt over Biden audio. Republicans want Garland to turn over unredacted material related to special counsel probe into Biden's handling of classified documents. Attorney General Merrick Garland has refused to comply with subpoenas, including those of President Joe Biden.

Fox News
DOJ will not turn over Biden's recorded interview with Special Counsel Hur, risking contempt of Congress

DOJ will not turn over subpoenaed audio recordings of former special counsel Robert Hur's interview with President Biden to House Republicans. Attorney General Merrick Garland at risk of being held in contempt of Congress. Biden interview with Hur puts Attorney General at risk in danger of being in contempt.

Fox News
Garland’s deadline to produce recordings of Biden interview in Hur case looms, risking contempt of Congress

Attorney General Merrick Garland must produce subpoenaed audio recordings of former special counsel Robert Hur's interview with President Biden. Monday is the deadline for Garland to produce recordings of Hur interview with Biden. Attorney General Garland could be in contempt of Congress if he doesn't produce recordings.

House GOP Threatens Garland With Contempt Over Biden Recordings—But Face Tough Odds

Merrick Garland has a deadline of April 8 to produce the requested recordings and transcripts. The House Republicans gave the attorney general a deadline for April 8. The attorney general is expected to face a tough fight over the recordings. The GOP says it's unlikely that Garland will be able to get the transcripts and transcripts back.

ABC News
Republicans threaten to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt over Biden documents case

Republicans threaten to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt over Biden documents case. Merrick Garland will be held in contempt of Congress if he does not turn over unredacted materials related to the special counsel probe into President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents. Republicans say they will hold Merrick in contempt if he doesn't turn over the material.

Associated Press
Republicans threaten to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt over Biden documents case

Republicans threaten to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt over Biden documents case. Merrick Garland will be held in contempt of Congress if he does not turn over unredacted materials related to the special counsel probe into President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents. Republicans say they will hold Merrick in contempt if he doesn't turn over the material.

Washington Examiner
Republicans threaten AG Garland with contempt over Biden classified documents - Washington Examiner

Republicans threaten AG Garland with contempt over Biden classified documents. Republicans warned Garland they would hold him in contempt of Congress if he did not provide them with audio recordings of an interview between Hur and Biden. Republicans threaten to hold Garland in contempt if he does not provide recordings of the interview.

Daily Mail
Republicans threaten to hold AG Merrick Garland in CONTEMPT

GOP chairmen claim Merrick Garland has handed over 'insufficient production' of materials. They say they might move forward with contempt if he does not provide the rest of the documents by April 8. GOP Chairmen claim he has not provided enough documents to justify contempt.

Fox News
House GOP threatens to hold AG Garland in contempt of Congress over recordings of Biden interview in Hur case

House GOP threatens to hold AG Garland in contempt of Congress over recordings of Biden interview in Hur case. AG failed to produce subpoenaed recordings of Special Counsel Hur's interview with President Biden. Attorney General Merrick Garland is accused of failing to produce recordings of Hur interview with Biden.


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