Mar 31, 2024, 12:00 PM
Mar 25, 2024, 12:00 AM

There is a problem of politics-to-pundit conveyor belt if Ronna McDaniel is beyond the pale

The Guardian
Ronna McDaniel mess shows problem of politics-to-pundit conveyor belt

Ronna McDaniel mess shows problem of politics-to-pundit conveyor belt. Former RNC chair pushed out after staff revolt – but why did NBC hire her in the first place? NBC hired her after she was pushed out of the job by the RNC.

The New York Times
Stephen Colbert Recaps the Ronna McDaniel Drama at NBC

Stephen Colbert recaps the Ronna McDaniel drama at NBC. “In case you’re unfamiliar with McDaniel, she is terrible,” Stephen Colbert said of the former RNC chairwoman. Stephen Colbert: "She is terrible. She is terrible"

The New York Times
In Saga of NBC and Ronna McDaniel, Perks and Perils of Partisan Talk on TV

Why are television news networks so enamored with paid Beltway analysts? In Saga of NBC and Ronna McDaniel, Perks and Perils of Partisan Talk on TV on Why are TV news's paid analysts? We ask.

If Ronna McDaniel is beyond the pale, NBC may have trouble presenting 'diverse viewpoints'

Ronna McDaniel's concession that Biden won "fair and square" did not save her from outrage at her support for Trump's stolen-election fantasy. NBC may have trouble presenting 'diverse viewpoints' if McDaniel is beyond the pale, NBC says. McDaniel: 'I'm not a Republican, I'm a Democrat, I support Trump'

The New York Times
NBC’s Ronna McDaniel Hire Wasn’t Politics, or TV, as Usual

NBC's Ronna McDaniel hired by former R.N.C. chair who enabled election deniers risked credibility of NBC News. McDaniel's hire risked credibility and ended up pleasing no one, says CNN's John Sutter. NBC's McDaniel hire was a mistake, he says, and it's not a mistake.

Fox News
"THE EGOS ARE OFF THE CHARTS": Joe Concha Says MSNBC Hosts 'Egos' Led Them to "Bullying" Management into Firing Ronna McDaniel

Fox News Contributor Joe Concha says MSNBC Hosts 'Egos' led them to "Bullying" Management into firing Ronna McDaniel. Concha: "THE EGos are off the CHARTS" Concha is the author of his new book: Come On, Man!: The Truth About Joe Biden's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Presidency.

Rachel Maddow And Lawrence O’Donnell Join NBC Colleagues Against Ronna McDaniel’s Hire

Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell joined their colleagues in calling out Ronna McDaniel’s 2020 election denialism and criticized the decision to hire her. McDaniel has been a controversial figure in the Republican Party for more than a decade. O'Donnell and Maddow criticized McDaniel's 2020 election stance.

Washington Examiner
NBC’s Ronna McDaniel firing mocked as ‘spine made of jelly’ while MSNBC anchors tout ‘sign of strength’ - Washington Examiner

NBC News parted ways with former RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Tuesday, sparking a parade of celebration and criticism. MSNBC anchors tout ‘sign of strength’ as NBC News fired McDaniel as a ‘spine made of jelly’ while MSNBC anchors said it was ‘a sign of strength.’

Fox News
What NBC’s Ronna McDaniel debacle reveals about the state of journalism today

What NBC's Ronna McDaniel debacle reveals about the state of journalism today. NBC fiasco where they hired and then almost immediately fired McDaniel shows the collapse of news in journalism. Whining MSNBC host Maddow is a prime example of the problems, writes Tom Charity.

Washington Examiner
NBC News fires Ronna McDaniel after intense backlash to employment - Washington Examiner

NBC News fires Ronna McDaniel after intense backlash to employment. Former Republican National Committee Chairwoman McDaniel was fired less than a week after being hired by the news outlet. NBC News fired McDaniel less than one week after hiring her. McDaniel is the daughter of Republican Senator Ted Cruz, R-Ohio-Republican Senator John McCain.

Washington Examiner
NBC News fires Ronna McDaniel after intense backlash to employment - Washington Examiner

NBC News fires Ronna McDaniel after intense backlash to employment. Former Republican National Committee Chairwoman McDaniel was fired less than a week after being hired by the news outlet. NBC News fired McDaniel less than one week after hiring her. McDaniel is the daughter of Republican Senator Ted Cruz, R-Ohio-Republican Senator John McCain.

Rachel Maddow Says NBC News’ Hire Of Ronna McDaniel Was “Inexplicable,” Calls For Network To Reverse Decision

Rachel Maddow calls NBC News’ hire of Ronna McDaniel ‘inexplicable’ and challenges some of the network’s spin in response to the backlash. Maddow: “I will tell you, the fact that Ms. McDaniel is …. Ms.McDaniel is... a woman,” Maddow says.

The Guardian
‘Pretty bad’: NBC condemned by top US historian over role for Ronna McDaniel

Timothy Snyder says former RNC chair ‘tried to disassemble our democracy’ and should not have been invited to take up position. NBC condemned by top US historian over role for Ronna McDaniel. Snyder: NBC'shouldn't have invited' RNC chair to be RNC chair.

NBC News
MSNBC hosts criticize NBC News for hiring Ronna McDaniel

MSNBC hosts criticize NBC News for hiring Ronna McDaniel as a political analyst. Rachel Maddow calls for the network to cut ties with McDaniel. McDaniel is the former Republican National Committee chairwoman who was hired as a paid political analyst by NBC News. MSNBC host Maddow says NBC should cut ties to McDaniel, who is a former RNC chairwoman.

Rachel Maddow speaks out on NBC hiring Ronna McDaniel

Rachel Maddow speaks out on NBC hiring Ronna McDaniel. MSNBC host joined calls for NBC to reverse the decision to hire the former RNC chairwoman. McDaniel is the Republican Party's new face of the Republican National Committee. Maddow joined calls to reverse NBC's hiring of McDaniel, who is a former RNC chairman.

Fox News
MSNBC stars shoot inside the tent, attack NBC for hiring ex-RNC chair Ronna McDaniel: 'Inexplicable'

NBC News hired former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel as a paid analyst. MSNBC's biggest stars openly complained Monday about NBC's hiring of McDaniel. NBC's stars called the move 'innexplicable' and urged network honchos to reverse it. NBC News has been criticized for hiring McDaniel, who is a Republican Party insider.

The Guardian
Liz Cheney: controversial NBC hire Ronna McDaniel enabled Trump ‘depravity’

Liz Cheney: NBC hire Ronna McDaniel enabled Trump ‘depravity’. McDaniel ‘facilitated Trump’s corrupt fake elector plot’, says ex-congresswoman as NBC hosts and union group protest. NBC hires come amid a backlash against NBC hiring of McDaniel.

Fox News
Democrats Freak Out Over Ronna McDaniel Hiring

MSNBC hosts and contributors share harsh backlash over Ronna Romney McDaniel's hiring. Ben delivers a strong critique over some of the delivered rhetoric. Explains why it outs supposedly neutral arbiters as bleeding blue liberals. Follow Ben on Twitter

Why are NBC anchors throwing a tantrum over Rronna McDaniel?

NBC News has hired recently departed Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel as an on-air contributor. NBC anchors are throwing a tantrum over McDaniel's appointment. NBC News is trying to distance itself from McDaniel, who was recently named RNC Chair, to distance herself from the GOP.

Fox News
'The View' bashes NBC over 'despicable' hiring of 'shapeshifter' Ronna McDaniel

'The View' co-hosts slam NBC News over hiring of ex-RNC chair Ronna McDaniel. McDaniel is an ex-chair of the Republican National Committee. NBC News' "The View" hosts call McDaniel's hiring "despicable," calling it "disgusting"

Fox News
NBC considering cutting ties with Ronna McDaniel after intense backlash: Insider

NBC News is considering dropping Ronna McDaniel as an analyst, according to a network insider. The network is considering cutting ties with McDaniel after intense backlash to signing the ex-RNC chair, the insider says. McDaniel is a former RNC chair who has served as a Democrat since 2010.

Fox News
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow slams 'inexplicable' Ronna McDaniel hire, hopes NBC 'will reverse their decision'

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow slams NBC decision to hire Ronna McDaniel as political analyst. Maddow hopes NBC 'will reverse their decision' Former RNC chair McDaniel will be a political analyst for the next two months. NBC hired McDaniel to be an analyst at the White House.

Fox News
Morning Glory: Ronna McDaniel was the best hire NBC could make

MSNBC and NBC don't want to talk to Ronna McDaniel on air and are upset she was hired. Some folks at MSNBC and a few people at NBC are upset McDaniel was hired by NBC. McDaniel is the best hire NBC could make, says CNN's John Sutter.


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