Mar 28, 2024, 5:42 PM
Mar 28, 2024, 12:00 AM

A fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo's David raises questions about freedom of expression

ABC News
A fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo's David raises questions about freedom

A fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo's David raises questions about freedom. Michelangelo’s David has been a towering figure in Italian culture since its completion in 1504. The David was completed in 154 and has been the most famous work of art since then.

ABC News
A fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo's David raises questions about freedom of expression

A fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo's David raises questions about freedom of expression. Michelangelo’s David has been a towering figure in Italian culture since its completion in 1504. The David was completed in 154 and has been the most famous work of art since then.

ABC News
A fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo's David raises questions about freedom of expression

A fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo's David raises questions about freedom of expression. Michelangelo’s David has been a towering figure in Italian culture since its completion in 1504. The David was completed in 154 and has been the most famous work of art since then.

Daily Mail
Italy battles to protect Michelangelo's David's penis

Curators worry the statue's religious and political significance is being diminished by souvenirs. Michelangelo's David has been a towering figure in Italian culture since 1504, but curators worry souvenirs are being diminished. Curators fear souvenirs will diminish the religious, political significance of the statue.

Associated Press
A fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo's David raises questions about freedom of expression

Curators worry the statue’s religious and political significance is being diminished by the thousands of refrigerator magnets and other souvenirs focusing on David's genitalia. They say the statue's religious, political significance should not be diminished by souvenirs. The fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo's David raises questions about freedom of expression.

Fox News
Significance of Michelangelo’s 'David' statue is being diminished by souvenirs, Italian curators say

Since its creation in 1504, Michelangelo's David has been a symbol of Italian culture. Curators are now voicing concerns about the commercialization of the statue. The statue is being commercialized by souvenirs, Italian curators say. Michelangelo’s 'David' statue is now being used as a tourist attraction in Italy.


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