Mar 28, 2024, 8:54 PM
Aug 23, 2013, 7:11 PM

The White House expects about 40,000 people to attend its annual Easter egg roll

ABC News
White House expects about 40,000 participants at annual Easter egg roll

White House expects about 40,000 participants at annual Easter egg roll. White House says it's getting ready to welcome 40,00 people to its annual Easter Egg Roll. The event is expected to take place in Washington, D.C., New York, New York City.

ABC News
The White House expects about 40,000 participants at its 'egg-ucation'-themed annual Easter egg roll

The White House expects about 40,000 participants at its 'egg-ucation'-themed annual egg roll. White House says it's getting ready for its annual Easter Egg Roll. The event will take place in Washington, D.C., on April 14. The Whitehouse says it expects 40,500 participants at the event.

Associated Press
The White House expects about 40,000 participants at its 'egg-ucation'-themed annual Easter egg roll

The egg-stravaganza was first held on the lawn in 1878. The White House expects about 40,000 participants at its 'egg-ucation'-themed annual egg roll. The event is expected to take place on the White House's lawn in Washington, DC.

Easter Egg Roll at the White House Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts about the annual White House Easter Egg Roll at the White House. Read CNN’s Fast Facts: The White House has been hosting the annual Egg Roll since April 1, 2009. Read the Fast Facts on the annual event at White Egg Roll.


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