Apr 22, 2024, 12:53 PM
Mar 28, 2024, 12:00 AM

Customers of Thames Water could see their bills surge by 44 percent under new proposals

The Telegraph
Thames Water plots 45pc bill rise

Utility company battling to avoid a taxpayer-backed special administration regime. Utility company is battling for a 45pc bill rise in order to avoid the'special administration' regime. Thames Water has been warned of a 45 per cent increase in its bill bill in the coming years. The company is hoping to avoid being forced into a state-run government.

Daily Mail
Fears that customers' Thames Water bills could surge by 44 percent

Thames Water has admitted it needs £1.1 billion more than previously thought to fix sewage spills and leaks in a new business plan. The group is battling to survive amid a funding crisis. Customers' bills could rise by 44 percent in a bid to save the company from collapse.

Daily Mail
Thames Water customers face increase in bills under new proposals

Customer bills could rise by £19 a year if new spending plans are approved. Customers face increase in bills under new proposals announced today. Customers could be hit with bills up to £19 per year if approved by regulator today. New spending plans will be announced by Thames Water's regulator on Monday.

Thames Water makes fresh bid to lift bills by at least 40%

Thames Water makes fresh bid to lift bills by at least 40%. The troubled water firm pledges to invest more in the environment ahead of a key meeting with Ofwat. Ofwat is set to meet with the water regulator to discuss the issue in a bid to boost bills.

Sky News
Thames Water warns of even bigger surge in bills under new plans

Thames Water wants to bring bills up to at least £608 a year by 2030 - and possibly even higher. Thames Water warns of even bigger surge in bills under new plans to raise bills by £608 by 2030. Water bosses want bills to reach £608-a-year by 2030, and could be even more.

The Guardian
‘No dividing line’: consultants advising private water companies also work for their regulator, Ofwat

Ofwat spent more than £25m with consultancies, including consultants advising private water companies. Campaigners call for the whole regulatory system to be replaced. Observer analysis finds watchdog spent £25million on consultants. Ofwat says there is 'no dividing line' between water companies and regulator.

Daily Mail
Thames Water plans 56 per cent bills hike raising charges to £700

Bosses have put the proposed hike to regulators in a bid to stave off the company's collapse. The proposed hike, which would be introduced over a five-year period, would take place over a period of five years. It would raise charges by 56 per cent to £700 over the next five years, bosses say.

Thames Waters Seeks to Hike Bills by 56% in New Plan, Times Says

Thames Water seeking to increase customer bills by 56% to fund five-year spending plan, Times newspaper says. Thames Water is seeking to raise customer bills to fund its five year spending plan. The Times newspaper reports Thames Water seeks to raise its bills to 56% in new plan.

The Telegraph
Thames Water considers controversial debt raise in scramble to avoid collapse

Thames Water considers controversial debt raise in scramble to avoid collapse. Utility company debates adding £18bn borrowing pile as it prepares rescue plan. Utility firm debates adding to £18billion borrowing pile in bid to avoid financial ruin. Thames Water: 'It's a waste of money. We need to get rid of it'

The Telegraph
Raising bills to pay for Thames Water failures ‘utterly outrageous’, says Hunt

Chancellor says shareholders have ‘obligation to sort out mess’ amid calls for 40pc rise. Raising bills to pay for Thames Water failures ‘utterly outrageous’ says Hunt. Chancellor says it is ‘absolutely ridiculous’ to raise bills to fund Thames Water.

GB News
Thames Water £18billion debt pile to come 'at huge cost to the taxpayer

Thames Water has previously suggested taking shorter showers and watering plants less often to save money. Thames Water previously suggested shorter showers, less frequent watering sessions and shorter showers. The company has also suggested watering plants more often in a bid to cut costs. Thames has been criticised for its £18billion debt pile to come 'at huge cost to taxpayer'

Daily Mail
How foreign bosses have treated Thames Water as a personal piggybank

How foreign bosses have treated Thames Water as a personal piggybank. After a week dominating the boardroom at Thames Water, Chris Weston likes to switch off. He might swim in the outdoor heated swimming pool at his £4million home in the Kentish countryside. He also likes to relax in the garden at his home, which he shares with his family.

Thames Water troubles swell as parent firm defaults on debt

Holding company Kemble has told lenders that it has failed to meet a deadline for interest payments. Kemble told lenders it has not met a deadline to meet interest payments for interest. Thames Water's parent firm Kemble is struggling to find a way to keep afloat in the water industry.

The Telegraph
Thames Water shareholders demand 40pc bill rise after cutting off funding

Thames Water shareholders demand 40pc bill rise after cutting off funding. Treasury closely monitoring situation amid standoff between regulator and shareholders. Shareholders demand a 40pc rise in bill bill after being cut off funding by regulator. Treasury says it is monitoring situation closely as it comes to an end of crisis.

Sky News
Thames Water: Chief Executive asked whether bills will go up 40%?

Ofwat accused of not giving the'regulatory support' needed to help the company's turnaround plan. It comes after shareholders blamed Ofwat for not giving "regulatory support needed to help turnaround plan. Thames Water: Chief Executive asked whether bills will go up 40%?

Sky News
Thames Water boss refuses to rule out bill increases of up to 40% to secure company's future

Thames Water boss refuses to rule out bill increases of up to 40% to secure company's future. £500m in funding from shareholders will not arrive by the end of this month, as had been anticipated. Water company has revealed £500 million in funding will not be delivered by end of month.

Sky News
Thames Water boss refuses to rule out bill increases of up to 40% to secure company's future

Thames Water boss refuses to rule out bill increases of up to 40% to secure company's future. Chief executive of troubled company Thames Water has said bill increases could be 40% for customers. Thames Water is struggling to secure its future as it tries to secure troubled company's survival.


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