Apr 4, 2024, 6:00 AM
Mar 29, 2024, 12:00 AM

There is a photographer who wants to change the rodeo culture in the US south

The Guardian
Freemasons, rodeo riders and praise dancers: Black lives in the US south – in pictures

Rahim Fortune’s Hardtack project chronicles Black families and communities in the post-emancipation American south. From bull-riders to beauty queens, the project is a look at Black lives in the US south – in pictures. The project is based in New York City, New York, New Jersey.

Black rodeo culture has been overlooked. This photographer wants to change that

Photographer Ivan McClellan has spent nearly a decade documenting Black rodeo culture. He says it has been overlooked by popular depictions of cowboys. Black rodeos have long been overshadowed by cowboys, but he says he wants to change that. He has spent the last decade documenting the culture.


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